Buddy's Terms and conditions
By leaving your dog in our care, you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions outlined below.
All dogs admitted on site must be fit, sound and healthy. All dogs to be on a lead or in a safe carrier.
On arrival, please report to reception to register your dog(s) with Buddys.
First time guests will need to provide full details and returning guests will need details checked and updated. Please review our registration form for a complete understanding of requirements.
Any known restrictions including any traits or vices your dog(s) may have and all health conditions such as any history of veterinary problems that could reoccur whilst in the care of Buddys must be disclosed prior to admission on site; these should be updated on every visit.
Dogs will not be admitted if the information is not available, or if they do not meet all the required criteria (ie. Vaccination requirements including Kennel Cough etc).
2.Vaccinations and Wellbeing
All dogs must be fully vaccinated against Distemper, Parvovirus, Hepatitis and Leptospirosis as a minimum requirement.
Only full positive titre tests can be considered.
Kennel Cough is also mandatory. It is understood that Kennel Cough is caused by airborne infection and thus outside the control of Buddys (even when vaccinated).
Please note that any kennel cough vaccine does not give 100% protection and the owner takes full responsibility for this; we will not be liable if your dog(s) catches kennel cough.
Vaccination cards/certificates must be presented on every visit (and will be held on site during your dogs stay)
Entry will be refused if vaccinations are not up to date.
If you are unsure of the requirements please check with your vet. Please note vaccinations are not necessarily valid from the day of vaccination.
Puppies are welcome 14 days after their final vaccinations.
All dog(s) will be checked on arrival, any dog(s) showing signs of internal parasites (fleas, worms etc) will be treated and a charge levied for this. We also reserve the right to refuse admission to any dog(s) which, in our opinion, is showing signs of ill health.
If your dog(s) has any existing medical condition a Medical Condition form should be completed, any medication they need should be supplied. If the medication runs out you agree for Buddys to purchase further supplies on your behalf and for you to reimburse Buddys for any expenses incurred.
Buddys staff will administer any medication required as per instruction provided by owners free of charge as part of their dog(s) stay. It is understood Buddys is not a veterinary Kennels and will not take responsibility for incorrect administration.
Dog(s) will be exercised as per Buddys Enrichment plan, this includes enrichment activities and walks around adjacent fields off site. A copy of the plan is available on request.
Dog(s) sharing a unit is done so at owners risk. It will be to the discretion of Buddys staff should the requirement to separate dog(s) be deemed necessary and owners accept they will be charged accordingly.
In the event of illness or injury, Buddys will endeavor to contact the owner or the emergency contact however we will consider the dog(s) health and wellbeing paramount and act accordingly.
We reserve the right to contact a veterinary surgeon should the need arise. We will attempt to contact you and/or the emergency contact prior to veterinary support where conditions allow. All fees and charges will be the responsibility of the owner. A minimum fee of £35 will be added to your boarding charge for any vet visits.
By leaving your dog(s) in our care, you are authorising for veterinary treatment to be sought should we consider it necessary and for treatment to be administered as recommended by the veterinary practice.
Buddys will attempt to attend your registered vet but if unable to do so, or the distance is excessive, we are registered with Highland Vet Clinic and Brightside veterinary surgery.
Owners will be required to settle any and all vet bills and associated fees that may arise from seeking consultation and treatments.
​4.Opening ours
Opening hours are as follows –
Monday- Saturday 10am-1pm
Sunday and Bank Holidays 10am-1pm
Christmas and New Year Closed (For drop off/collections)
2. All collections must be made between 10am-1pm each day.
5.Payments, Rates and Charges
Charges are based on an overnight rate with collection prior to 1pm the day of collection.
If collecting in the afternoon, this must be by arrangement and will be subject to a late check out fee; this is required as the kennels cannot be prepared in time for the next guest that day.
When you make a booking request by email, in person or by telephone, your booking is not confirmed until we have received the agreed deposit.
Full payment is required on arrival.
A deposit is required for all bookings; £22 for bookings £100 or less; £50 deposit for bookings between £100-£200 or any bookings over £200 will require a £100 deposit. This is non-refundable/non-transferable. Note- At peak times, 50% deposit may be requested and full payment will be required 6 weeks prior to booking.
Deposits can be paid by telephone (credit or debit card) or in person at our premises during opening hours.
The full amount of the booking will be chargeable for any cancellations made less than 3 days of the booking and all no-shows.
Christmas day and New Year will be subject to double rate.
Payments are non-refundable and non-transferable should you need/want to collect your dog earlier than the original booking.
6.Equipment Food and dietary requirements
We recommend dog(s) are admitted to site with their own food. There is no discount if you provide your dog(s) own food. If there is not enough food provided for the duration of their stay your dog(s) will be fed on Buddys food stock.
For all dogs fed on Buddys food stock, we will not be liable for any conditions resulting in the change of diet.
We provide everything that your dog(s) may need for their stay, however if you want to bring some familiar toys, blankets or treats etc then please note we take no responsibility for loss or damage to any items supplied.
7.Dog Walking
All dog(s) will be walked with leads provided by the kennels; it is not necessary for you to bring your own.
Dog(s) that require specific dog walking equipment (ie. Harness) will need to be provided by their owner. The equipment must be in good working order however Buddys take no responsibility for damaged items during their stay.
Dogs will be walked, exercised and cared for as per our Enrichment Plan.
​8.Marketing/Internet and Website
We do not guarantee that our site, or any content on it, will always be available or be uninterrupted.
In accessing our website, you agree to not download any content other than for your own personal use.
Unless specifically agreed by Buddys, it is not permitted to copy, broadcast, download, store (in any medium), transmit, show or play in public, adapt or change in any way any content from any of our internet based media; including Facebook and our website.
Unless explicitly requested in writing, any photographs and videos taken of dog(s) whilst in our care, may be used for Buddys and Groomingtails Ltd marketing including but not limited to publications, social media, advertisement, websites and other communications. Only the dog(s) first name and breed will be used.​
There is free parking for drop off and collection for all dogs.
You are responsible for your dog until a member of staff has taken them off you following the booking in process at reception.
Your vehicle is parked at your own risk, we cannot be held responsible for any damage incurred to vehicles whilst in the car park.
10.Confidentiality and GDPR
We retain essential client data for our business purposes only and do not share any client’s data with external organisations.
You can request at any time by email or telephone that we remove personal data from our records.
Buddys reserve the right to refuse admission to any dog(s) appearing to be unwell, is in season or thought to be suffering from any illness or infectious disease.
Any dog(s) that show signs of aggression or develop signs of carrying infectious diseases during their stay must be collected within 24 hours. Should you be unable to collect in person, your representative must bring proof of identity and be in a position to settle any outstanding payments. Owner(s) accept the charges incurred due to delayed collection.
Whilst all reasonable precautions will be taken and we pride ourselves on the care and attention that we give to our guests, we do not accept responsibility for damage or loss to any persons, dog(s) or property.
We reserve the right to re-home any animal not collected within 14 days of the booked departure date, if we have not had any contact from the owner or emergency contact provided.
Any lost property items will be kept for 4 weeks, if they are not claimed they will be donated to a local charity.
No responsibility is taken for loss, escape or sickness of any dog whilst at the kennels, or during any transport. All boarding fees and expenses which may arise must be paid in advance, or before the dog(s) leave the kennels. In the event of any dog not being collected and the boarding fees due not being paid within 14 days, the dog(s) will be considered as abandoned.
All dogs must be dropped off and collected within opening hours unless prior arrangement is made with Buddys.
Should you be unable to collect your dog in person, your representative must bring proof of identity and be in a position to make full payment, before the dog is handed over. Should this be the case, please notify us in advance and provide us with their contact details.
All dogs must be microchipped.
By leaving your dog(s) in the care of Your Buddys World Ltd, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions outlined above.
Terms and Conditions – Groomgingtails Ltd
All Terms and Conditions as outlined in the Terms and Conditions of Buddys Boarding Kennels applies to all dogs checked in for Grooming with further conditions and clarifications outlined below. A copy of Buddys Terms and Conditions can be found at reception or you can refer to them on our website.
Please tell us if your dog is aggressive with people/sensitive areas/other dogs or animals for example, we may need to use a muzzle if we deem necessary.
In accordance to the Animal Welfare Act, we will not spend more than 15 minutes de-matting. A matted coat may result in us having to clip the coat short all over - our priority here is comfort as matting can be painful for the dog and dangerous to remove. There is an extra charge for matted dogs due to the extra time it takes and excess wear and tear to equipment. Refer to item 12 for matted dog release agreement.
Owner will inform staff of any health concerns on every visit (regardless if it is considered to already be known or considered minor). Grooming involves extensive handling of a dog and therefore any medical issues (including small sores) can be aggravated.
For some dogs, grooming procedures can be stressful, and can expose hidden medical problems or aggravate a current one during or after the groom. We will obtain immediate veterinary treatment for your dog should it be deemed necessary, and it is agreed that all costs and associated expenses for Veterinary care will be covered by the owner.
We reserve the right to refuse/stop services at any time before or during the grooming process, this could be due (but not limited) to an aggressive or stressed dog, finding fleas/parasites or other health concerns.
If we find fleas/parasites on your dog, you will be contacted and depending on the severity, we may need to cease grooming and you will be asked to collect them immediately. An additional fee will be incurred for the extra services on the dog alongside a fee to decontaminate our equipment and the salon.
Late collection will result in a fee in accordance with Buddys Boarding Kennels rates.
No shows or last-minute cancellations (less than 24 hours’ notice) are subject to payment in full.
We do not express anal glands; this is classed as an internal procedure and you should ask your veterinarian to do this.
Owners give their consent for photos/videos of your dog to be used for adverts/social media etc for the purpose of Groomingtails or Buddys- Only first names of dogs and their breed will be used, no other personal data will be shared.
Matted Dog Release- Matted (tightly tangled &/or knotted) coats can cause a variety of skin & health problems. Matted fur does not allow for air circulation to the skin, causing hot spots, bacterial and fungal infections. Fleas, ticks, maggots and other parasites may be lurking in the coat causing further skin infections. Stickers, burrs and other objects may be tangled in the coat and often imbedded or held against the skin causing pain, irritation and/or infection. Matted fur also pulls and binds the skin, causing pain to your dog when they move or lay down. The skin underneath is often raw and inflamed. Matted coats will not dry properly and can lead to rotting fur and skin. Due to matting, dogs hair may need to be shaved extremely short to the skin and may show signs of skin irritation and sores due to matting, wet undercoat and dirty coat. Dogs that have not been groomed often enough usually result in long, stressful, or painful grooming sessions. Some dogs never recover from that experience. It is our goal to make your dog's grooming experience as stress free as possible. Therefore we refuse to de-mat coats that have become matted & tangled when doing so may cause stress, pain, injury &/or suffering. We will always strive to act in the animal’s best interest & remove matted & tangled coats in the most humane manner possible
Agreeing to these conditions, I, as owner, confirm I have read & understand the above. If my dog requires de-matting, I understand that my dogs coat will be clipped close to the skin to remove all matting. Should my dog need Veterinarian care after or during the process, I agree to pay any, and all Veterinary fees for my above-mentioned dog's care. I release the groomers and any staff at Buddys Boarding Kennels from any responsibility of the grooming process, any and all medical problems that may be uncovered and or occur during the services on my dog. I understand that the pre-assessment estimate may increase dependant on the coat condition and the dog’s behaviour.